Who (or What) are Archangels?
The archangels are near the top of the Devic Kingdom, which includes entities ranging from the lowliest elementals and nature spirits to the highest ranks of angels. They are under the direction of the 3rd Aspect of Deity--or what Christians call the Holy Spirit. Archangels are mentioned in both the Bible and the Koran. For example, Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and also to the prophet Mohammed. They are also referred to in many Jewish, Christian and Islamic apocryphal texts. Archangels play a major role in the Kabbalah, where one is assigned to each sephiroth, or divine emanation.
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael is the closest to the Lord in the Jewish scriptures, for his very name means "Like Unto God." As the eldest Archangel, he is given captaincy of all of God's natural phenomena, including rain, wind, fire, snow, thunder, lightning, and hail. Michael is believed by many Jews to have appeared to Moses as the fire in the burning bush and to have led Daniel from the lions' den
Catholics pray to Saint Michael the archangel to protect them from evil.
Represents: Love
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Season: Autumn
Color: Red
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel is the exalted Messenger of God, whose name means "The Strength of God" and whose deeds are recorded in the Jewish scriptures, where the spirit aided the Prophet Daniel in the interpretation of his dream-visions. Although an important Jewish angel, Gabriel has touched the lives of those of different religions as well.
Gabriel sits on the left hand side of God and is the second most important archangel. There is a strong connection to pregnancy and birth.
Represents: Overcoming doubt and fear
Element: Water
Direction: West
Season: Winter
Color: Emerald
Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Archangel Raphael
Part of his or her healing work involves working with Archangel Michael to assist when it is necessary to remove 'lower energies' or spirit attachments from people. We link and work with both of these Archangels during Angelic Healing Sessions.
Raphael is the third most important archangel. The name means "shining one who heals."
Represents: Healing
Element: Air
Direction: East
Season: Spring
Color: Blue
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Archangel Uriel
Uriel is the last of the Four Angels of the Presence. Means Fire of God. Uriel is known as the angel of Repetence and meets the souls of sinners at the entrance to Heaven.
Represents: Clear thinking
Element: Air
Direction: North
Season: Summer
Color: White
Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians; Contact Your Invisible Healers, by Richard Webster.
This information was researched on several web sites including a very good Angel book.