Friday, December 30, 2011

Tumbled Crystals Giveaway

If you would like to win a smokey quartz crystal, please email me at

Answer this question:

Have you heard about using Reiki for certain diseases?

One lucky winner will be chosen but make sure you reply by 1/7/12. I will post a picture on the side of this blog.

Jennifer, the Healing Soul.

Smoky Quartz Crystal Meaning

Smoky Quartz crystal helps to calm behavior others would categorize as headstrong or willful. It gently balances and brings harmony into your life and is the perfect gemstone to help calm the thinking mind that tends to interfere with meditation.

The stone grounds your energies, but gently, never forcing you to change or to let go of something, but guiding you to do what is best for you and in the way that is best for you personally.

Chances are good that your smoky quartz crystal will not work as fast as a clear quarzt crystal will, but this is actually better for some people, especially those that don't handle change in a positive manner. The energy stays with you, always there when you need it until you have resolved the matter at hand and no longer need it.

This popular gemstone comes in shades that range from a pale brown to a very deep dark brown. Gemstones that are exceptionally dark, almost completely black have usually been treated with radiation to "smoke" the stone. Both natural and man made crystals can be made clear (remove the smoke) by heat treating the stones.

Smoky Quartz Healing Properties

This is a great healing crystal to share between people in a personal relationship or any relationship that is working toward a common goal. It is a good stone to have in an office where team work is important. A large cluster sitting in the middle of the conference table can help everyone get along and work better together.

When the economy is shrinking as fast as it is during this resession, it is easy to hold on to anger and resentment over many things in our lives. But as we know, like attracts like and if you want to attract something better into your life, you need to let go of the negative emotions to allow room for the positive ones. Smokey Quartz crystal can transform thoses negative energies into positive ones and bring you back to the here and now.

Smoky Quartz Metaphysical and Magical Properties

many gemstones help attract money to come into your life, but smokey quartz crystal helps you to keep the money that you get by teaching you to manage your money wisely and guiding you into choosing those purchases that are best for you.

If you are prone to spending too much on all the wrong things and tend to run out of money before you run out of bills, try keeping a few smoky quartz crystals around the desk where you pay your bills to ensure everything gets paid and you don't overspend.

Smoky Quartz Crystals around the bed

A smokey quartz crystal point placed one at each of the 4 directions around your bed with the points pointing toward the center of the bed, will help with marital communication problems and help prevent back pain.

Keeping several smokey quartz crystals in the bedroom can help couples to overcome communication problems. It helps to dissolve mental and emotional blockages that can get in the way of the too of you learning who the other person has really become. This is especially important because people change and relationships can sour if it does not change to keep up with the new needs of the people involved.

Do you wake up stiff with back pain every morning? Try placing a few smokey quartz crystals between the mattress and the box springs to wake up without the pain and stiffness.

Miscellaneous Smoky Quartz Crystal meanings and information

Have problems with pain in your feet? Whether from a structural defect or just having to stand too much on the job, tie a couple of smoky quartz crystals into your shoe laces for some relief.

If your hands or wrists hurt from arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, wear smoky quartz crystals as jewelry to help eleviate the pain. It you can wear a bracelet made of smoky quartz around your wrist it is particularly helpful to those with carpal tunnel.

Cna be used as a protective sheild to block and absorb and negative energies sent your way. Most people don't realize the amount of negative energy people do send their way. Everyone from the jealousy co-worker to the guy that didn't like how fast you pulled into traffic this morning, there is always someone sending negativity at you. Smoky quartz crystals can help if you place them somewhere near you.

We are all psychic but often our psychic sense become block for any number of reasons. Meditate with smoky quartz crystals in your hands to Open up your psychic senses.

If you are having problems getting your get up and go to get up and take care of the house, try placing a few smokey quartz crystals around the room. They will increase your pride and joy in your living space and make you want to keep things nice and shiny.

Are you won of those people that can never find what you are looking for? Constantly forgetting where you put things and basically just unorganized. Put of few smoky quartz crystals around so they can help you improve your organizational skills.

To receive prophetic sounds better, that a wide stretchy hair band and put it around your head. Slip smokey quartz crystals under the band as it cross over your ears. Just make sure the stones are large enough they don't fall into your ears!

Feeling depressed or a little blue more often than not. Hold a crystal in each hand, take a few deep breaths and allow all of the depression to flow down your arms and into the stones. When you have gotten as much out as possible, cleanse the stone under running water to wash all the negativity out of so you can keep it around without picking those energies back up again.

In Scotland, the smoky quartz crystal is the national gemstone. They call it Cairngorm and there is a rather large point in the national scepter

Quartz Crystals chemical, astrological and metaphysical properties

Chemical Composition: Silicon Dioxide

Hardness: 7

Vibrates to the numbers 2 and 8

Astrological associations: Capricorn & Sagitarrius

Received from on 12/30/11

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hi, I am Jenn Bagley. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer in June 2011. This summer has been on heck of a roller coaster. I first had an Ultrasound, then mammogram. I saw a surgeon who wanted a biopsy. On friday the biopsy as done. One large bruise left. Monday i worked all day. On my way home, my doctor called me, he said 3 words, INVASIVE LOBULAR CARCINOMA. he stayed on the phone with me untkl i got home. 
  I went inside my house and broke down in my husbands arms. "It's cancer" crying the whole time. My mastectomy was scheduled pretty quick. June 27th my left breast was removed by dr Huang. Then my rue diagnosis was stage 3 lobular and ductal carcinoma, 10 tumors spanning 11cm. This is what makes it stage 3. My best friend introduced me to A Mastrr Rriki Practitioner. I had always wanted to learn Reiki. But here i was on tje recieving end of it. The beautiful blue and pink angels that i saw flying around me while my eyes were shut caused me to be awed.  After ghe initial sesstion, karen explained that arch angle micheal and arch angel rapheal were withme helping me. This was the pink and blue that i saw. Karen informed me that several of my Chakras were cloed but she was able to open and let them flow. She had given me my first attunement at this point and i felt elated, happy. Tears were falling and i really wasnt sure where the were coming from. I now also have Reiki 2 and can perform treatments. I love it and i am drawn to crystals to help with my reiki treatments!

Healing the Soul before healing the Body

I have a new web site to follow this blog. I wanted to be an affiliate for Healing Crystals. They needed a web address with. .com.

I will be posting pics of all my healing crystals including my Chakra crystals. Thank you Karen for opening and concentrating my energy.

I miss you ver much. Buut feel positive energy flowing this way tx.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Healing Soul

I have some clear quartz and smokey quartz pieces unfinished. $5 for 2 inch piece, $10 for 3-5 inch piece. These are not tumbled. They are rough. I will post pics tomorrow.


Monday, October 10, 2011

 These are Pages that I made with my My Memories Suite Digital Scapbooking Program. Please order one for yourself. It is really easy to use.

In 3 months, I will give another one away free.
Danielle White was my winner just a few weeks ago and she has made a large number of pages.

She is having a lot of fun too!!

 Pumpkin picking with Debbie and Danielle White at Bradstreet Farms.
 They really do love each other
 There are a lot of things that you can do with this scrapbook digital program. So MUCH FUN!!

You can even add Music, make a DVD, send it to My Memories to make a book. Calenders. ETC.
Zach walking through the pumpkins!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Me and My Dad!

My Memories Suite: Susan G Komen Race for the Cure

This is my husband and my daughter. She walked the 5 K for me. I have stage 3 breast cancer and almost finished with chemotherapy. I did not have the energy to walk that day. I am proud of my daughter for completing the 5K race.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Four Major Archangels

Who (or What) are Archangels?

The archangels are near the top of the Devic Kingdom, which includes entities ranging from the lowliest elementals and nature spirits to the highest ranks of angels.  They are under the direction of the 3rd Aspect of Deity--or what Christians call the Holy Spirit.  Archangels are mentioned in both the Bible and the Koran.  For example, Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and also to the prophet Mohammed.  They are also referred to in many Jewish, Christian and Islamic apocryphal texts.  Archangels play a major role in the Kabbalah, where one is assigned to each sephiroth, or divine emanation.

Archangel Michael

       Archangel Michael is the closest to the Lord in the Jewish scriptures, for his very name means "Like Unto God." As the eldest Archangel, he is given captaincy of all of God's natural phenomena, including rain, wind, fire, snow, thunder, lightning, and hail. Michael is believed by many Jews to have appeared to Moses as the fire in the burning bush and to have led Daniel from the lions' den

Catholics pray to Saint Michael the archangel to protect them from evil.

Represents: Love
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Season: Autumn
Color: Red
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

Archangel Gabriel

       Archangel Gabriel is the exalted Messenger of God, whose name means "The Strength of God" and whose deeds are recorded in the Jewish scriptures, where the spirit aided the Prophet Daniel in the interpretation of his dream-visions. Although an important Jewish angel, Gabriel has touched the lives of those of different religions as well.

Gabriel sits on the left hand side of God and is the second most important archangel. There is a strong connection to pregnancy and birth.

Represents: Overcoming doubt and fear
Element: Water
Direction: West
Season: Winter
Color: Emerald
Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

Archangel Raphael

      Archangel Raphael's name means 'God heals' or 'God has healed'; and is derived from the Hebrew word rapha which means 'doctor' or 'healer'. Archangel Raphael is a very powerful healer of the physical body for both humans and animals.
     Part of his or her healing work involves working with Archangel Michael to assist when it is necessary to remove 'lower energies' or spirit attachments from people. We link and work with both of these Archangels during Angelic Healing Sessions.

    Raphael is the third most important archangel. The name means "shining one who heals."

                                                            Represents: Healing
                                                                   Element: Air
                                                                Direction: East
                                                               Season: Spring
                                                                  Color: Blue
                                             Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

                                                                Archangel Uriel
Uriel is the last of the Four Angels of the Presence. Means Fire of God. Uriel is known as the angel of Repetence and meets the souls of sinners at the entrance to Heaven.

                                                      Represents: Clear thinking
                                                                Element: Air
                                                            Direction: North
                                                          Season:  Summer
                                                               Color: White
                                         Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo,  and Capricorn

 Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians; Contact Your Invisible Healers, by Richard Webster.

This information was researched on several web sites including a very good Angel book.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Healing Crystals

The post I had started several days ago, didn't hold.

Ihave started this second blog to help others heal from cancer, illness, sickness. I am a family Nurse practioner and soon to be a Reiki practitioner. Mind, Body, Soul Healing has opened up my eyes or my 6th Chakra, The Third Eye, intuitiveness. "women's intuitiin" along with the 3rd chakra the Solar Plexus Chakra. This is where my gut feeling lies when I have a sick patient.

Because of my diagnosis of breast cancer, a whole new world has opened up to me.

Modern medicine with western medicine has opened up to me. Mixing the 2 will increase positive energy and help with healing.

a good web site to visit is i highly recommend this web site.

The next post will be about how to find your archangel and how he/she can protect you.
thank you all.